
Sought (Brides of the Kindred, #3)Sought by Evangeline Anderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the Kindred series, and it is about Kat O'Connor, and her Twin Kindred, Lock and Deep.

All Twin Kindred are born as twins, as the name suggests, but not just twins, as there is a dark twin, and a light twin. These don't mean evil and good, but rather describe the twins as a whole. For example, Deep, the dark twin is dark of hair and eyes, and he does have a darker personality overall, but I for one, fell in love with him. Lock, the light twin, is pale, in looks, and has a charming and uplifting personality.

Kat, in the last book, attempted to be the focus for Lock and Deep's finder/seeker relationship. It worked wonderfully, but left them with a partial kindred bond. This book is her dealing with this partial bond, and learning to deal with Lock and Deep as well.

This book is not my favorite of the series to be honest, but that's only because I don't like M/F/M relationships. I'm definitely a monogamous person, and I prefer reading about monogamous relationships. I have nothing against them, however, as evidenced by my rating of this book.

The sex scenes were wonderfully hot, and delicious, and the whole book, the learning to love and trust not only your partner(s), but yourself made it a book that I really connected with and enjoyed. The next book is on my wishlist, and I can't wait to dive into it!

View all my reviews

Lady D


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