Frost Burned

Frost Burned (Mercy Thompson, #7)Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been in love with this series from the first moment that I started reading it. This book is no exception! Mercedes Hauptman, mate and wife to the local werewolf Alpha Adam Hauptman once again seems to find herself in a spot of trouble... but this time, the trouble doesn't seem to be focused on her.

While out on a Black Friday shopping trip with her step-daughter Jesse, Mercy finds herself in a small car accident, and she can't seem to reach any of the Pack for help... mainly because someone has taken the ENTIRE Pack hostage. Who would kidnap a Pack of werewolves?

Mercy slowly starts to uncover the mystery, with the help of the werewolf mating bonds, but things seem to run deeper than what was just on the surface... soon Mercy finds herself embroiled in a heap of trouble that has very little to do with the Pack at all. Will she be able to fix things before they get out of hand?

Frost Burned is the latest installment of the Mercy Thompson series written by Patricia Briggs. If you haven't read the series up until this point, you're missing out, and you really need to catch up before you read this book. But most of the books are short, around 300 pages, and they're super fast reads... mainly because you can't put them down.

This book is no exception. I did not want to put it down. As always, Ms. Briggs keeps you on the edge of your seat for the whole book. While some bookstores may shelve this in romance, there are no sex scenes, and the romance between Mercy and Adam is very underplayed, as it has been in the whole series... this is not really a romance series so much as it is a paranormal suspense series.

And while I'm not really into the suspense genre, if you can't tell from my reading list, I'm addicted to this series. If you haven't read this book yet, you need to! As I said, pick up the rest of the series first, and give it a read! You WILL NOT be sorry!

Lady D


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